To organize and partner highly accomplished and recognized architects, designers and artists with public school students to create motivating spaces for their schools and useful products for their lives, while inspiring students with a meaningful hands-on professional experience.
To promote the belief that great design creates conducive environments in which to learn, work and thrive.
To provide lifelong transferrable skills such as problem solving, collaboration, technology and global thinking, which help to increase academic, socio-emotional and professional skills.
To offer one-on-one professional-to-student interaction and to challenge young people in public schools to put their creativity to practical, important and real use.
To encourage and aid design teams around the USA to initiate and implement such programs in their communities.
Sponsor - Başarı Bet
All young students have limitless creative potential - a source of power and resilience for them in all areas of their lives.
Truly mutual design collaborations between adults and kids are profoundly life changing for everyone involved.
Our work environments affect our daily levels of productivity and motivation and it is a necessity – not a luxury – for students to find comfort and inspiration in their daily work and learning spaces.
We are making a difference in the lives of students, the environments in which they spend most of their days, and their outlook on the future.